Stage 1 - Preparation and Brief

We’ll meet with you to discuss your brief. We’ll help you form a brief if you don’t have one. We’ll look at other houses you like and listen to what you have to say and absorb it all before we pick up a pencil and start sketching.



Stage 2 - Concept Design

We start off with a few broad brush concepts and present them to you. We’ll talk, amend, revise and refine until gradually we arrive at something you are happy with.



Stage 3 - Developed Design and Planning

Now that we have a design it’s time to put a bit more detail into those plans so we can show them to your council. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. We’ll take care of it.



Stage 4 - Technical Design and Tender

Once we’ve got the planning permission, we start thinking about building it. We’ll talk to Building Control, engineers and surveyors. We’ll look into tiles, paints, kitchens and finishes. We’ll help you choose and get builders to price it.



Stage 5 - Construction

We’ll visit the site to check that everything is going to plan and make changes if need be.



Stage 6 - Moving In and House Warming

The builder hands the keys over back to you and we hope you enjoy living in your new home as much as we enjoyed designing it.